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My Favorite Scroll Saw Blades

flying dutchman, scrollsaw, geometric modified blade, scroll, saw blades

My go to Scroll Saw Blades are Pegas Modified Geometric Blades or Flying Dutchman Scroll Reverse blades. They essentially are made the same with all the teeth pointing down except the last few teeth are pointing up. This creates low tear out (if any) when cutting your item.

Flying Dutchman Scroll Reverse -

Now if I'm wanting to branch out and cut with a spiral blade, which I find harder to control, I find that these are great for certain projects (trees, small areas, etc).

Flying Dutchman Spiral -

(All of these recommended blades are pinless ends, which most new scroll saws accept. If you have an old scroll saw, it might only accept pinned blades, so be sure to check your scroll saw. If you are unsure, feel free to message me and I'll do my best to help)


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