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I can finally fall asleep! Can you?

ashwagandha, l-theanine, magnesium, supplements

For as long as I can remember, it has taken me 2+ hours to fall asleep, and that's if I fell asleep at all. After researching different things to try, I found that Ashwagandha was something I should at least try. I also learned that L-Theanine would help support my mind to quiet down. I did try other Ashwagandha supplements, but they didn't seem to work as well. I believe because they were compressed tablets instead of capsules, so my body absorbs this one better. Anyways, I take 2 of these 30min before I want to go to bed, and I'm actually ready for sleep. Now, with all this said, I can definitely force myself to stay up all night after taking this, but if I go to bed and actually try to go to sleep. I do! This has truly changed my life and I HIGHLY recommend.

ashwagandha, l-theanine, magnesium, supplements

Now with how wonderful I find that specific Ashwagandha to be, everyone is finding the huge benefits to Magnesium. The hard part is, is that there are sooo many different variants of magnesium and they support different things. After a bit of trial and error, along with lots of research, this has become my go to magnesium to help me with my sleep. This is not a magnesium that will help with focus, but this is a magnesium that supports your heart, supports calm, and supports your sleep. Now this recommended dose is 3 capsules, but I find 2 capsules at night with the Ashwagandha work perfect for me. Also, something to note when taking magnesium, you should also be sure that you are intaking enough zinc (naturally or supplemental) to help with the absorption of magnesium.


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