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Sanding Pallet Wood

Sanding Pallet Wood

Sanding the shelves

Music Heals My Soul

Music Heals My Soul

Hand carved human, out of spalted oak wood. Stitched together with hand made quilled music pieces.

The Pallet Chic Logo

The Pallet Chic Logo

Products are burned with my logo on the back, or the initials on the edge. (except ornaments/too small items)

Leaf Cut Out

Leaf Cut Out

Fall Decorations

Wedding Guest Book Signature Board

Wedding Guest Book Signature Board

3D Wood Sign, Wedding Guest Book Signature Board. Hand cut, shaped, and burned.



Laser Cut Wood Silhouette on Walnut Backer.

Whether it's a hand carved wooden sculpture, adding your last name to something, a personal sign or logo, etc....
I am here to create that special
item for you and to help
make your place,

The Pallet Chic


Chic Pallets





Hey Guys!

My name is Ashley Vrtis (I know.... I need to buy a vowel. lol)

I have always had a passion to create things for people that give them a sense of sentimental value to add to their home.

Nothing makes me happier than to see someone happy because of something that I made.


I started painting/creating when I was young... in fact I don't believe that I can even pin point a time that I started as I always remember creating something. I remember my Mom had a box of random stuff that we would create crafts with, or I would just hot glue items together like crazy, lol. My Dad was turning our basement into a full blown recording studio, and I remember him being so patient with me showing me how to build items safely and correctly.

He also taught me how create on the go/to go with the flow of things.

Because if you've ever built something, you know that sometimes your initial ideas have to be changed. lol... I can vividly remember my Dad drawing out plans to ensure everything would be constructed properly.

I was just always surrounded and was always encouraged to use my creativity in any way that I could.


But what I can pin point is.... I remember my Mom & Dad buying me my first paint set....

Bob Ross' oil paint set! Yes, I was a happy little painter! :)  

Then, my Mom signed us up to attend a Michael's paint class.

(This was way before all the cool, fun "Painting with a Twist" type of classes were a thing)

After my first class, I was hooked! By the time high school was ending, I had my own little side business of painting murals. 


Life changed pretty quickly after high school. I married a US Marine, we had a beautiful girl, and I took a step back from painting. When it was time for my husband to re-enlist we decided it was time for us to do something new. We moved back to my hometown, STL, and I began working at a Hampton Inn & Suites. I helped open that hotel and ended up becoming the General Manager. I loved that job, but as you can imagine, working at a 24/7 job and being the GM.... I did not have a lot of free time. I would try to paint/create on the side when I could. I would make gifts for my coworkers/employees. I would paint some items for friends, but if I'm being real...

I also ended up letting projects fall through the cracks, and if you know me, that is NOT how I like to do things.

I like a time line and I like to be THE BEST. :) 


Sooo, catching up to now...


My husband was offered a great new opportunity, and we moved to SC. With this move, we decided that it was time for me to make a career change. I just had no clue what that was going to be... The one thing I did know was that I wanted to create items that have meaning for people. 


So here I am. I am dedicating my time, my heart and passion into this, as this is not a part time gig... this is me! 



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